Friday, December 30, 2016


Resistance to Civil Government - Henry David Thoreau - Walden Pond - Sep...

Slavery in Massachusetts by Henry David Thoreau


     In a Dictatorship the Oligarchy takes the power from the peoples

     In a Democracy the peoples yield their power to the Majority i.e. "Tyranny of the Majority"
     In Representative Democracy-Republic; such is as the USA, the peoples give up their power, by choice and/or vote, to the Oligarchy

     In Anarchism the anarchist gives up NO are as little power as possible to either the Oligarchy or the "Tyranny of the Majority".

                                         Six Points Define Tactical Anarchism

     The State, enforced by coercion and penalty for disobedience, has no more inalienable right to rule or govern than the individual.

     That Non-Statist Hierarchy exists. That the purpose of Statism is to cement Socio-Economic Hierarchy. Statism, or government, though the essential part, is the means but not the ultimate end purpose of Hierarchy. Which by definitions seeks its own perpetuation.

      Differs from Rational Anarchism as defined by Robert Heinlein (The Moon is a Harsh Mistress). Which views State, Society and the Masses as abstractions with no concrete reality. Tactical Anarchism regards these "abstractions" as concrete reality. Because they have concrete effects upon the world itself. Thoughts generally speaking, impact and shape tangible reality.

      That the individual as a singularity is an uncertain and indeterminable variable. That the mass of men are more inclined to deterministic models and projections regarding trends and statistical probabilities. Although subject to the influence of the variable Individual. Who can as a variable distort the projection of probabilities of and from the masses.

      That the Individual trumps the Collective. Tactical Anarchism regards Individualism as paramount. Because Societal Entropy is the result of ever increasing complexity. Whereas the individual as a singularity is more of a simplistic entity and more stable; and not as much subject to breakdown than the general populations. Natural Law is that which is more stable is more enduring.

     Anarchism in total is but the means by which the Anarchist would live by. That given no viable formulation has been made to achieve and more important maintain an anarchist society - to dissolve one regime without another filling in its place - a reformed society is very doubtful at best. But the individual can reform himself.


                         Anomie. Formal; Informal; and Uniformal Social Control

     Anomie - Lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group.

     Formal Social Control -- External sanctions enforced by government to prevent the establishment of chaos or anomie in society.

      Informal Social Control - regarded by sociologists as having more sway over the individuals than formal social control. The reaction of individuals that bring about conformity to norms and laws, written and unwritten laws, including peer pressure and community pressure to reign in and control anomie.

     Uniformal Social Control - a meshing of Formal Social Control with Informal Social Control. When Formal Social Control fails to sanction anomie and its control breaks down. Formal Social Control falls back on Informal Social Control for a more binding and oppressive Uniformal Social Control to sanction and contain anomie, which has deviated from Formal Authority and compliance with community and/or peer conformity.

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