Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Peerly Human: Why Psychiatric Labels Are More Deadly Than Guns

Peerly Human: Why Psychiatric Labels Are More Deadly Than Guns: Make no mistake about it. Psychiatric labeling is a weapon. The effects are drastic and dire. In practical effect, it occasions the socia...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

                                             "Chinatown"  "What Were You Doing There?"
                                                            " As Little As Possible"

   From the movie Chinatown. Those lines always haunted me when I recall them from a memory of the movie over thirty years ago. They haunt me tonight, as I realize that no truer words were ever spoken than "Who gives a shit?"

   It is the mind of a mediocre that will always feel the weight of things is ever to be whether "Who"  gives a shit or not. And starting at January 7, 2017 through January 9, 2017, when Denison Animal Control got around to a ditch on the property of 809 North Layne. Where I knew four puppies did not crawl all together in that ditch and die together. And why I called the Denison Police Dept. four or five times over a three day period regarding what I considered a crime scene.

   It was where I walk my dog daily; why I would be upon the ditch not visible from the road. And I knew anybody would know that is where I walk my dog daily. And that the rather extensive property belong to an individual, whose employer  was subject to a criminal investigation. Which seem to be at a loss who the singular culpable individual was, who would have that route on a first of April in 2010.

     And that no one thought it important enough to single out that one particular individual, certainly not any time in the five year statute of limitations period. And that guilty party of that crime had his sadistic buddies to reward him. The same sadistic buddies who again feel the need to throw the weight around that shit-bags like the perpetrator of April 1, 2010 will be wowed by like a air-headed bimbo.

     And a phone call to the supervisor of that outfit, is yet another shit- bag. Although he being a transfer into his position where he was not in 2010; and thus would not be culpable for that incident filed as a criminal complaint, of mail tampering, in 2010 with the US Postal Inspector's Office in Chicago IL.

     And the problem is solved by a city of Denison employee whose job it is to remove dead animal carcasses on and off the road. Did he wonder how four puppies could all wind up in a ditch and die together? Or realize more likely some shit-bag dumped them there, either to discard them like a soda can. Or to upset the usual serene walk I have daily with my dog? Because I had filed that criminal complaint and that the shit-bags were active again in the neighborhood.  - Diogenes Ltd.

       "I walk toward one of our ponds, but what signifies the beauty of nature when men are base?....The remembrance of my country spoils my walk. My thoughts are murder to the state and go plotting involuntarily against her"   -- Slavery In Massachusetts - Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, March 26, 2017

                                              Why I am going to stop referring to those
                                                  who go along to get along as whores.

   Whore here defined as someone giving sex for money. You get to use her, and she makes you feel good so you pay her. You don't feel good when you are cut off from the only source of medication you can afford. I had filed a complaint, with the state of Texas, against a facility known as Texoma Community Center, the details of which I blogged in another of my blogspots:

     I got fucked over for not being a compliant individual, because what most consider pariah do not have the civil protections and the avail of civil rights a registered sex offender does. Psychiatry is clear on the fact mental illness is a subjective, culturally contextual definition. As a dissident would be suffering from Authority Oppositional Disorder.

     And the most who consider such pariah could not define subjective let alone use it properly in a sentence except for maybe "take your medication". Like the above whore when she gets out of line and needs a treatment from her pimp.

     But never has a whore, who ever took my money for a good time, could do anything as damnable as what these people did. A prostitute is one not known for medical malfeasance. And  my wife's own niece, employed at Texoma Community Center, Tuesday Sotelo, would be a party to this; even as a pre-teen I had a lot of respect for her, seemingly born with a work ethic.

      Now she will never again rank anywhere in the esteem I would have for a twenty dollar whore. Especially the hardship she would burden my wife Janet with. To go along and get along for a paycheck and benefits. --- Diogenes Ltd.

Friday, March 24, 2017

City Fines Interracial Couple After Racial Slur Was Tagged On Their Garage

City Fines Interracial Couple After Racial Slur Was Tagged On Their Garage: It may seem backwards to fine the victims of a hate crime, and that's because it absolutely is. The city of Stamford in Connecticut has decided to fine the couple six weeks after the crime

Village Refused To Allow Indian Women To Use Well, So Her Husband Did This…

Village Refused To Allow Indian Women To Use Well, So Her Husband Did This…: Discrimination based on the Indian caste system resulted in a woman being refused water. Infuriated, her husband did this...