Sunday, February 26, 2017

                                                               Movement Reports;
                                                                Project: Diogenes
                                "...You fuck with their power.." - US Marshal ,11/21/2006

     In 1985, it really was not my intent to be an affront to the Fort Worth PD Authority. But as I knew they were in sync with the confrontation on the South Side, As my former employers had taken pains, cooperating with the police to dispose of the situation, I just mailed-out to the cops, as they knew what was what and now it was handed over to them, what they had already been apprised of.

      And I learned right away, that of such a non-felonious offense, there is no criminal offense more intolerable and unforgivable than a perceived affront to police authority; when at that point I was clear on the fact I had no longer a stake in the game, I had cashed my chips and had shot my wad.

      However, such an affront to both Authority and the baggage that clings to the powers-that-be were not to go unanswered. And indeed a stack against and a counter-stack would be to and fro across the interstates and in the years to follow. Still I would be an affront to Authority and the baggage of the powers-that-be, only now I had a sizable stake in the game by way of acquisitions of assets from real estate into gray-mail out of a court of law and malfeasance in the federal and local systems.
     Imagine a police task force, who put the priority of an investigation as what was to be, into the investment of fallacy and folly of aggrieved parties; to null and void the self-evident interests of the victims and the objective interests of the investigations in themselves.

    What happened was law enforcement chose not the rule of law and legally proscribed procedure. But the appeasement to privilege and power. And to conduct onward but never to venture into the dark underworld; where they were, who could not be connected.

     Who had neither the legal protection of the law nor the civic responsibilities to adhere to the law. And therefore that underworld gained considerable clout. That is to say, it became obvious the ones to plea the 5th were law enforcement. Whereas the darker realm of high and low society had total and sovereign immunity from prosecution.

     These became known as the Movement Reports. (1984 - 2017 - ? Project: Diogenes).

      [Contrary to popular misconception, Diogenes the Cynic, with a lantern in hand in the broad daylight, was not in search of an honest man. In reality Diogenes the Dog (cynic = dog-like) was in search of a human being. As then and now the failure rate of this search and find was a very high percentile. No human being could ever sanction such that a state or its people did.]   -- Diogenes Ltd.


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