Friday, January 13, 2017

                                       See video below; It is now a shame that I was
                                                once a member of a Buddhist sangha

     Rohingya Muslims in Buddhist Myanmar; Untouchables of Hinduism in India - The so-called sainted Mahatma Gandi is in part responsible for the caste system as continued status quo, a caste system as brutal and oppressive as apartheid or segregation ever were. Persecution of Christians in many Islamic countries ongoing for decades, as a teenager I had friends from Pakistan who fled persecution for being Christians.

     In the modern era it must be conceded that Christian-dominate nations do not persecute religious minorities. However the Bible has been twisted, distorted and canted to justify any and everything; in the name of rationalizing the any thing goes in politics and profit making.

     The noble religious texts praised for their prose and poetry; here as seen below is of the deeds of your creeds that in plunder, destruction, rape and carnage, is but whipped cream on a shit pie to window dress the spilling of blood.

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