Friday, January 6, 2017

                                                     Outlaw; legal definition of,

    " In historic legal systems, an outlaw is declared as outside the protection of the law. In pre-modern societies the criminal is withdrawn all legal protection, so that anyone is legally empowered to persecute or kill them"   --- (source) Wikipedia

      IF one were barred from civil rights and civil protection; could there not be an off-set in a gain of absolving one from civic compliance and civic responsibility?


                                                  Conspiracy Without Foresight;
                                                        Landscaping Service

     Removing the weeds and trimming down the overgrowth. Society, civilizations from the dawn of History to today,has had mechanisms for such to deal with the social surplus  -- wealth generated beyond what was needed for sustenance -- why government came about in the first place, to tax and take away that which may, in itself, grow too strong and out of control if not subject to reduction of its vigor upon the collective.

      But what was a weed as opposed to a flower? And what was overgrowth as opposed to economic wealth?  It soon became what ever in the eyes of the subjective beholder. And what ever was good for the collective was a question of what therefore good for the one or the few as opposed to the many.

     The individual versus the collective. Or was it the collective deciding to define what was for the good of the individual? That the wants of the peoples that were soon to be the needs of the peoples of what was before not needed. And the individual was to be defined by society's limitations.

      I dislike the word conspiracy unless it is strictly used to define the legal term of the criminal offense.  "Conspiracy Theory" is often rightly maligned because what falls under the umbrella of the conspiracy theorists is not even a crime, but obscured machinations at best.

     Here I use the words Conspiracy without foresight because even though it encompasses activities that fall under the criminal definition, it depends more on consensus than a conscious design or deliberate agenda. And has no need for central controllers or cabals even when they are present.

       Just the Same Old Song and Dance civilizations and societies play from century to century from the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and to the fall of the USA; like linked chain on a railroad track moving along to the same destination of oblivion. --- Diogenes Ltd.

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