Monday, January 30, 2017

                                         The Most Dangerous Officer the US Air Force
                                                  Ever Had; Major Harold L. Hering

     Major Harold L. Hering was expected to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel until he posed a very dangerous situation for not only the US Armed Forces, but for the entire nation, indeed the entire world as well.
      While serving with a Minuteman missile crew; during training at Vandenberg Air Force Base in late 1973, he asked the question;

     "How can I know that an order to launch my missiles came from a sane president?" [ italics mine]

      Soon after he was shit-canned from the US Air Force with an administrative discharge. For his full story  for asking that question, there are plenty links to it on the internet.

      The idea that one would question the validity of an order from the highest rank of the chain of command, in this case the Commander-In-Chief. How could you run any chain of command, in either the public or private sector, if an order came down which you had to question the mental soundness of the order-giver himself?

       I mean it is a chain of command, so if the president was bat-shit crazy, you next would have to question every link up and down, from the top to the bottom, in the chain of command. Since only some one bat-shit crazy would follow the orders of a superior who was bat-shit crazy, because he was following the orders of a superior who was bat-shit crazy.

        So my answer to the question is "How could you launch missiles to kill hundreds of millions, knowing that at the same time it was happening on the other side; they would launch missiles to kill hundreds of millions on your side?"  That the acronym was called M.A.D. - Mutually Assured Destruction; and that only some one bat-shit crazy would initiate mutual homicide/suicide.

        Obviously, Major Harold L. Hering was unfit for duty.   ---  Diogenes Ltd.





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