Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Peerly Human: Why Psychiatric Labels Are More Deadly Than Guns

Peerly Human: Why Psychiatric Labels Are More Deadly Than Guns: Make no mistake about it. Psychiatric labeling is a weapon. The effects are drastic and dire. In practical effect, it occasions the socia...

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

                                             "Chinatown"  "What Were You Doing There?"
                                                            " As Little As Possible"

   From the movie Chinatown. Those lines always haunted me when I recall them from a memory of the movie over thirty years ago. They haunt me tonight, as I realize that no truer words were ever spoken than "Who gives a shit?"

   It is the mind of a mediocre that will always feel the weight of things is ever to be whether "Who"  gives a shit or not. And starting at January 7, 2017 through January 9, 2017, when Denison Animal Control got around to a ditch on the property of 809 North Layne. Where I knew four puppies did not crawl all together in that ditch and die together. And why I called the Denison Police Dept. four or five times over a three day period regarding what I considered a crime scene.

   It was where I walk my dog daily; why I would be upon the ditch not visible from the road. And I knew anybody would know that is where I walk my dog daily. And that the rather extensive property belong to an individual, whose employer  was subject to a criminal investigation. Which seem to be at a loss who the singular culpable individual was, who would have that route on a first of April in 2010.

     And that no one thought it important enough to single out that one particular individual, certainly not any time in the five year statute of limitations period. And that guilty party of that crime had his sadistic buddies to reward him. The same sadistic buddies who again feel the need to throw the weight around that shit-bags like the perpetrator of April 1, 2010 will be wowed by like a air-headed bimbo.

     And a phone call to the supervisor of that outfit, is yet another shit- bag. Although he being a transfer into his position where he was not in 2010; and thus would not be culpable for that incident filed as a criminal complaint, of mail tampering, in 2010 with the US Postal Inspector's Office in Chicago IL.

     And the problem is solved by a city of Denison employee whose job it is to remove dead animal carcasses on and off the road. Did he wonder how four puppies could all wind up in a ditch and die together? Or realize more likely some shit-bag dumped them there, either to discard them like a soda can. Or to upset the usual serene walk I have daily with my dog? Because I had filed that criminal complaint and that the shit-bags were active again in the neighborhood.  - Diogenes Ltd.

       "I walk toward one of our ponds, but what signifies the beauty of nature when men are base?....The remembrance of my country spoils my walk. My thoughts are murder to the state and go plotting involuntarily against her"   -- Slavery In Massachusetts - Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, March 26, 2017

                                              Why I am going to stop referring to those
                                                  who go along to get along as whores.

   Whore here defined as someone giving sex for money. You get to use her, and she makes you feel good so you pay her. You don't feel good when you are cut off from the only source of medication you can afford. I had filed a complaint, with the state of Texas, against a facility known as Texoma Community Center, the details of which I blogged in another of my blogspots:

     I got fucked over for not being a compliant individual, because what most consider pariah do not have the civil protections and the avail of civil rights a registered sex offender does. Psychiatry is clear on the fact mental illness is a subjective, culturally contextual definition. As a dissident would be suffering from Authority Oppositional Disorder.

     And the most who consider such pariah could not define subjective let alone use it properly in a sentence except for maybe "take your medication". Like the above whore when she gets out of line and needs a treatment from her pimp.

     But never has a whore, who ever took my money for a good time, could do anything as damnable as what these people did. A prostitute is one not known for medical malfeasance. And  my wife's own niece, employed at Texoma Community Center, Tuesday Sotelo, would be a party to this; even as a pre-teen I had a lot of respect for her, seemingly born with a work ethic.

      Now she will never again rank anywhere in the esteem I would have for a twenty dollar whore. Especially the hardship she would burden my wife Janet with. To go along and get along for a paycheck and benefits. --- Diogenes Ltd.

Friday, March 24, 2017

City Fines Interracial Couple After Racial Slur Was Tagged On Their Garage

City Fines Interracial Couple After Racial Slur Was Tagged On Their Garage: It may seem backwards to fine the victims of a hate crime, and that's because it absolutely is. The city of Stamford in Connecticut has decided to fine the couple six weeks after the crime

Village Refused To Allow Indian Women To Use Well, So Her Husband Did This…

Village Refused To Allow Indian Women To Use Well, So Her Husband Did This…: Discrimination based on the Indian caste system resulted in a woman being refused water. Infuriated, her husband did this...

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Monday, March 6, 2017

                                                   Slated April 23, 2017

      Japanese proverbial " ( 'Kill with Silence' ) The nail that sticks out gets hammered down"

      Monday, MAR 06, 2017; Texas Medical Board - Texas Physician's Assistant Board File # 16 -7835, Matthew Scott Richardson PA; has been permitted to deny being the authorizing agent of medical records that were used as a hold over whores and their children. Some of these listed below are by no means the only culpable individuals in a crime of rape and extortion, that the here below individuals gave sanction - permission, allowance to Matthew Scott Richardson PA to engage in medical malfeasance (not malpractice).

       Denison TX PD Jay Burch; Arlington PD TX Ben Lopez. Texoma Community Center; Don Riddle, Brent Phillips-Broadrick, Danielle Sneed, Steve McCory, Cindy Smith, Tuesday Sotelo, Laurie Trotter, Christine Hite, Mary Brown RN, Corrine Copt RN and Cathy Grey.

       An exception to the rule of compliance was Eddie Wagoner MSW LPC, who went to police in 2006 when informed children were parlayed into an enterprise of extortion by the same pertinent parties who have the above individuals compromised and under their control (No good deed goes unpunished).

        Noted the Sunday of the following month on April 23, 2017. The whores and their children will be of no value in any future investigations.  -- Diogenes Ltd. [Isaiah 6: 9 -11]

Thursday, March 2, 2017

roaddogking:                                                   ...

roaddogking:                                                   ...:                                                     Hoyle Overcoating Co. 1991-92                                          Up from Galvesto...

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

roaddogking:                                                   ...

roaddogking:                                                   ...:                                                                         Throw'd Off;                                                   ...

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

                                                               Movement Reports;
                                                                Project: Diogenes
                                "...You fuck with their power.." - US Marshal ,11/21/2006

     In 1985, it really was not my intent to be an affront to the Fort Worth PD Authority. But as I knew they were in sync with the confrontation on the South Side, As my former employers had taken pains, cooperating with the police to dispose of the situation, I just mailed-out to the cops, as they knew what was what and now it was handed over to them, what they had already been apprised of.

      And I learned right away, that of such a non-felonious offense, there is no criminal offense more intolerable and unforgivable than a perceived affront to police authority; when at that point I was clear on the fact I had no longer a stake in the game, I had cashed my chips and had shot my wad.

      However, such an affront to both Authority and the baggage that clings to the powers-that-be were not to go unanswered. And indeed a stack against and a counter-stack would be to and fro across the interstates and in the years to follow. Still I would be an affront to Authority and the baggage of the powers-that-be, only now I had a sizable stake in the game by way of acquisitions of assets from real estate into gray-mail out of a court of law and malfeasance in the federal and local systems.
     Imagine a police task force, who put the priority of an investigation as what was to be, into the investment of fallacy and folly of aggrieved parties; to null and void the self-evident interests of the victims and the objective interests of the investigations in themselves.

    What happened was law enforcement chose not the rule of law and legally proscribed procedure. But the appeasement to privilege and power. And to conduct onward but never to venture into the dark underworld; where they were, who could not be connected.

     Who had neither the legal protection of the law nor the civic responsibilities to adhere to the law. And therefore that underworld gained considerable clout. That is to say, it became obvious the ones to plea the 5th were law enforcement. Whereas the darker realm of high and low society had total and sovereign immunity from prosecution.

     These became known as the Movement Reports. (1984 - 2017 - ? Project: Diogenes).

      [Contrary to popular misconception, Diogenes the Cynic, with a lantern in hand in the broad daylight, was not in search of an honest man. In reality Diogenes the Dog (cynic = dog-like) was in search of a human being. As then and now the failure rate of this search and find was a very high percentile. No human being could ever sanction such that a state or its people did.]   -- Diogenes Ltd.


City Fines Interracial Couple After Racial Slur Was Tagged On Their Garage

City Fines Interracial Couple After Racial Slur Was Tagged On Their Garage: A city in Connecticut is fining an interracial couple after they refused to remove a racial slur tagged on their house.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

roaddogking:                                               In D...

roaddogking:                                               In D...:                                               In Defense of the Decadent Aristocracy,                                                 Again...

Saturday, February 18, 2017

                                      DISSIDENT;   defined as one who stands apart
                              Janet Irene Horner Browning: An Enemy of the People

       Janet would never think she was anything like An Enemy of the People. But she is. You see on February 11, 1988, she was in Texas, a date I was across the country in Boston MA dodging a green light [Re December 12, 2016] - thinking the accident of a cop colliding with a train was an occasion to impress the girls interstate by way of tagging the demised just prior to press release.

      Meanwhile in Denison TX, Janet was pretty much DOA, her flimsy sports car colliding with a Buick. The other driver was unhurt, but Janet would be bounced around Texas and Oklahoma for the next three and a half years when I met her.

       I was coming off a crack cocaine binge in Houston when I met her in Galveston TX. I was already about half dead even before the crack cocaine binge. But alive again with her, and as we would come to her home town, 25 years ago, I realized something about how cheap life is. Because of Janet, I realized if others could value a life like I learned to find value, I would already be dead.   -- Diogenes Ltd.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

roaddogking:                                                   ...

roaddogking:                                                   ...:                                                          Happy St. Pat's Day                                                         ...

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

roaddogking:                                                  W...

roaddogking:                                                  W...:                                                  What Ed Snowden did not tell;                                            To fear as a need...

roaddogking:                                                   ...

roaddogking:                                                   ...:                                                                 Richard Floyd,                                              The Deed Not Cr...

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

roaddogking:                                            Conspir...

roaddogking:                                            Conspir...:                                            Conspiracy Theory: Divide to Conquer,                                              To Keep Conqu...

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Friday, February 3, 2017

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: richest sacrifice...Thoreau's Journal: 4-Feb-1841

The Blog of Henry David Thoreau: richest sacrifice...Thoreau's Journal: 4-Feb-1841

roaddogking:                                              For T...

roaddogking:                                              For T...:          For The Good and For The Evil, Ideas Are Bulletproof
                                       Voting; Any Idiot Can Do It, Hence Every Idiot Will
                                                 "Vote For The Name You Know"

    In the Eddie Murphy movie, Distinguished Gentleman, he plays a con man elected to Congress by using the name of the recently deceased incumbent congressman. His campaign slogan "Vote for the name you know"

   For all this talk about pissed off old white people revolting against the establishment and electing a populist maverick, as noteworthy with the recent plunge in favorable polling for President Trump, I would say his election to president was just because of one main factor. As CBS CEO Les Moonves put it "Trump may be bad for the country, but he is great for ratings" i.e. name recognition.

    Unfortunately voting is a right, or privilege, that any one who is a citizen and 18 years old or over has. And now people are outraged that The Trump Administration is going to do what Trump said he would do and take away their Obamacare and food stamps.

    When you think that TV ads for car dealerships, new or used autos, has some excited and screaming jackass of a car salesman (one dealership here locally actually featured a real jackass, that is, mule) who, apparently with sales success, has people willing to pay thousands, even twenty thousand plus, on a major purchase, as especially a new automobile is.

    You realize fools and their money, or voting rights, should never be allowed near a television. The "Tyranny of The Majority" is an airhead who will spend $20 bucks on scratch off lotto tickets in the hopes they will win back $16 dollars.   -- Diogenes Ltd.  


Monday, January 30, 2017

                                         The Most Dangerous Officer the US Air Force
                                                  Ever Had; Major Harold L. Hering

     Major Harold L. Hering was expected to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel until he posed a very dangerous situation for not only the US Armed Forces, but for the entire nation, indeed the entire world as well.
      While serving with a Minuteman missile crew; during training at Vandenberg Air Force Base in late 1973, he asked the question;

     "How can I know that an order to launch my missiles came from a sane president?" [ italics mine]

      Soon after he was shit-canned from the US Air Force with an administrative discharge. For his full story  for asking that question, there are plenty links to it on the internet.

      The idea that one would question the validity of an order from the highest rank of the chain of command, in this case the Commander-In-Chief. How could you run any chain of command, in either the public or private sector, if an order came down which you had to question the mental soundness of the order-giver himself?

       I mean it is a chain of command, so if the president was bat-shit crazy, you next would have to question every link up and down, from the top to the bottom, in the chain of command. Since only some one bat-shit crazy would follow the orders of a superior who was bat-shit crazy, because he was following the orders of a superior who was bat-shit crazy.

        So my answer to the question is "How could you launch missiles to kill hundreds of millions, knowing that at the same time it was happening on the other side; they would launch missiles to kill hundreds of millions on your side?"  That the acronym was called M.A.D. - Mutually Assured Destruction; and that only some one bat-shit crazy would initiate mutual homicide/suicide.

        Obviously, Major Harold L. Hering was unfit for duty.   ---  Diogenes Ltd.





American Psychosis (from @Truthdig)

American Psychosis (from @Truthdig): The barrage of lies from demagogues such as Donald Trump creates profound cognitive dissonance among the population that ends in a nationwide collective mental illness.
- 2017/01/29

Thursday, January 19, 2017

                             Historic and Contemporary State-Sanctioned Homicides;
                              Divide to Conquer, To Keep Conquered Keep Divided.
                                 Maintaining The Pecking Order Through Violence
                           (reprinted and revised from
                             December 12, 2016)

     From the 1880's through the 1950's over 3,000 mostly African-American males were lynched in the USA with the explicit state-sanction for these homicides and other crimes of violence by the ubiquitous permission of law enforcement, by at the very least non-interference by not resulting in arrest and prosecution.

    This served the purposes of, especially in the South, the Dixiecrats to exploit white-trash over discontent in particular when cotton crop prices fell. As Negro lynching rose in proportion to the depressed cotton market. To divert the white trash, pissed off and despondent, to vent their ill will upon those lower than them in the social strata, Negros.

    Otherwise the economically hard-hit peckerwoods might stir shit to disrupt the standing of the wealthy Dixiecrats; who would fund the Ku Klux Klan as provocateurs, to stir fears of the black man's lust for white women. Who might then breed out the white family lineages with the gene pool of the black population.

    As in the manner of the Bush Administration after 9 -11. By stoking fears of Weapons of Mass Destruction to invade Iraq, who were not in complicity with the Islamic terrorists harbored in the more formidable mountains of Afghanistan. Of course, the removal of Saddam Hussein created a vacuum for Islamic and Jihadist extremists like ISIS to fill the void of a nation that had been religiously tolerant. As Hussein's cabinet had those from Christian families at the center of power. Now Christian children are beheaded in Iraq.

    To paraphrase Henry David Thoreau; as boys who cannot get at The Man, will abuse the softer target of his dog.

    But the State-Sanction for criminal cabals like the Dixiecrats did not end when Negro lynching fell out of favor. Just nowadays the state-sanction given, for homicides and other acts of violence and brutality, is less overt and more ubiquitous in regards to the Designated Victim. As the Nazis did not at first target Jews but Trade-Unionists and Communists in the beginning.

    White or black, young or old, child or elderly, male or female, poor or even affluent; ALL became potential targets as the Designated Victims. As now the Dixiecrats have a new name, formally so to speak in criminal circles, The Chain. Operating from town to town across the interstate counties, North and South, to serve the agendas and business interests of Gangsterism and Thuggery. Which uses violence and brutality to cement social control and hierarchy; by keeping the pecking order, the status quo, in its proper place.

                                  ---------- Diogenes Ltd. 2017




Friday, January 13, 2017

                                       See video below; It is now a shame that I was
                                                once a member of a Buddhist sangha

     Rohingya Muslims in Buddhist Myanmar; Untouchables of Hinduism in India - The so-called sainted Mahatma Gandi is in part responsible for the caste system as continued status quo, a caste system as brutal and oppressive as apartheid or segregation ever were. Persecution of Christians in many Islamic countries ongoing for decades, as a teenager I had friends from Pakistan who fled persecution for being Christians.

     In the modern era it must be conceded that Christian-dominate nations do not persecute religious minorities. However the Bible has been twisted, distorted and canted to justify any and everything; in the name of rationalizing the any thing goes in politics and profit making.

     The noble religious texts praised for their prose and poetry; here as seen below is of the deeds of your creeds that in plunder, destruction, rape and carnage, is but whipped cream on a shit pie to window dress the spilling of blood. - Killing in Myanmar - Killing in Myanmar

Friday, January 6, 2017

                                                     Outlaw; legal definition of,

    " In historic legal systems, an outlaw is declared as outside the protection of the law. In pre-modern societies the criminal is withdrawn all legal protection, so that anyone is legally empowered to persecute or kill them"   --- (source) Wikipedia

      IF one were barred from civil rights and civil protection; could there not be an off-set in a gain of absolving one from civic compliance and civic responsibility?


                                                  Conspiracy Without Foresight;
                                                        Landscaping Service

     Removing the weeds and trimming down the overgrowth. Society, civilizations from the dawn of History to today,has had mechanisms for such to deal with the social surplus  -- wealth generated beyond what was needed for sustenance -- why government came about in the first place, to tax and take away that which may, in itself, grow too strong and out of control if not subject to reduction of its vigor upon the collective.

      But what was a weed as opposed to a flower? And what was overgrowth as opposed to economic wealth?  It soon became what ever in the eyes of the subjective beholder. And what ever was good for the collective was a question of what therefore good for the one or the few as opposed to the many.

     The individual versus the collective. Or was it the collective deciding to define what was for the good of the individual? That the wants of the peoples that were soon to be the needs of the peoples of what was before not needed. And the individual was to be defined by society's limitations.

      I dislike the word conspiracy unless it is strictly used to define the legal term of the criminal offense.  "Conspiracy Theory" is often rightly maligned because what falls under the umbrella of the conspiracy theorists is not even a crime, but obscured machinations at best.

     Here I use the words Conspiracy without foresight because even though it encompasses activities that fall under the criminal definition, it depends more on consensus than a conscious design or deliberate agenda. And has no need for central controllers or cabals even when they are present.

       Just the Same Old Song and Dance civilizations and societies play from century to century from the rise and fall of the Roman Empire and to the fall of the USA; like linked chain on a railroad track moving along to the same destination of oblivion. --- Diogenes Ltd.

Intel Chief: Truthful Reporting On US Corruption Is Part Of Russian Conspiracy — Hints at "Act of War"

Intel Chief: Truthful Reporting On US Corruption Is Part Of Russian Conspiracy — Hints at "Act of War"

Monday, January 2, 2017

Would Thoreau enjoy walking at Walden?

Would Thoreau enjoy walking at Walden?
                                    Pearls from Swine and Dogs become as gods